Friday, October 2, 2009

Three weeks from anywhere....a geographical oddity, heh?

Three weeks into a new life....

They say that it takes three weeks to a make habit a habit.

Three weeks to break a habit, as well.

It evidently takes more than three weeks to make a new life feel right. To find the ebb and flow where you can breathe.

I have had at least one child in my daily life for more than 27 years; I guess it's okay that it is taking more than 3 weeks to get to my new destination. A destination where a child doesn't factor, somehow, into my daily life. Wherever, however that destination may look.

I am lonely.
I am trying really hard to keep busy.
I hurt my back.
I have wonderful friends.
I miss my daughter terribly.
I hate housework (translation -- the cleaning like a fiend manner of dealing does not hit me, damnitalltohell).

The rain has returned -- at least for a good bit of today. Supposed to be gone tomorrow and Sunday, and then will be back on Monday.

I go back to work on Monday. Good thing.

The hot, nasty breath of depression is chasing me like the hound from hell.

It's gaining, folks.

The thing is, even if I could get somewhere in three weeks, I have not a clue as to the destination I would like to arrive at.

I'll try to start with that....

....but no promises.

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