Friday, February 20, 2009

Random blessings

Well, I was a mite bitchy in the last post, wasn't I? Just for the sake of balance -- yin and yang, ya' know, I thought I would contemplate those things I am thankful for. No need to wait for Thanksgiving, huh? 

Here are 50 things I am thankful for: (in no real particular order of significance)

  1. My husband -- he is kind, loving, considerate, thoughtful and loyal. 
  2. That I still have my mother and father, and that they are still married. It will be 50 years, as a matter of fact, this coming May.
  3. That when I talk to my brothers on the phone we usually end our conversations with "Love you"/"Love you, too." We mean it.
  4. I have learned the power and freedom of being able to admit I am wrong -- it is waaay easier to get forgiveness than to try to justify.
  5. I had a kitty for nearly 19 years -- I will miss her the rest of my life.
  6. My son. He is my first born. Explanation enough.
  7. My daughter. She is joy in my life.* I am thankful that I will miss her when she goes away to college next fall.
  8. My grandson, who is so sweet and growing up sooooo fast!
  9.  Winter trees.**
  10. Bella, our puppy dog.
  11. The late afternoon sun that comes through my den window.
  12. My wind chimes.
  13. That I had the opportunity to go to Austria this winter.
  14. .... to go to the Bahama's in December 4 years ago.
  15. .... to go to Costa Rica on a mission trip, twice.
  16. The cow field on Hwy 27 and the baby cows that are there throughout the year.
  17. That I have seen the huge redwoods in the PNW.
  18. That I have been truly in love.
  19. Twilight.
  20. Listening to the birds sing.
  21. Listening to the ocean at night.
  22. Hearing my children laugh.
  23. That I have a nice home, full of color.
  24. That I don't go hungry. 
  25. Debra.
  26. and Jeanne.
  27. Books and music.
  28. That I not only love my daughter-in-law, but I really, really  like her!
  29. That I got to see Queen in concert.
  30. That I have seen a lot of the country that I live in.
  31. Fresh peaches and tomatoes!
  32. and flowers.
  33. Sharing a glass of wine with friends/family.
  34. My family is a "huggy/kissy" one.
  35. I love studying/learning/school -- including Ancient Greek!
  36. my yarn stash! 
  37. that I remember my grandmother.
  38. that I remember my first "real" kiss (I was 10).
  39. that I believed in Santa until I was 10 (hmm....)
  40. late afternoon breezes in the summertime.
  41. the memory of my son falling asleep on the couch listening to jazz.
  42. afternoon naps with Nat watching foodtv
  43. knowing that a contented life is a good life.
  44. having a contented life.
  45. the memories of our wedding day
  46. that I've had the chance to give of myself
  47. candlelight
  48. the smell of gardenias
  49. knowing and loving the Lord.
  50. that the Lord knows and loves me.
I have a lot to be thankful for. Good to remember that on days when you don't feel like you have anything going for you.

* Not a grammatical error -- I meant to say it that way "She is joy in my life".
** See previous post

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Rants

This is utterly un-****-ing believable!  

When did we start thinking that the random laws of nature could - nay- should- be averted?  What more could anyone, short of God, have done to keep these people safe?  Note to those who say they may have been traumatized by the "miracle on the Hudson" -- going up, up and awaaay into the ether is not a  "natural" thing!  It still defies the laws of gravity, no matter how many times we have done it, no matter how adept we are at manipulating the laws of gravity -- flying in an airplane is not fail-safe! You always take a risk when you fly -- perhaps not as big a risk as it used to be, maybe not even as big a risk as driving your car down the freeway, but it is a risk nonetheless.  Something might happen -- that's just how it goes. 

You know, that's the truth NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO IN LIFE - you could be walking down the street and a piano might fall on you -- not likely, but possible.

Anyway, what we can ask of those who take responsibility for flying us is that they do everything possible, everything humanly possible, that is -- to see that we are as safe as we can be in such circumstances -- have a qualified pilot, a vehicle in good working order, well trained staff to deal with unforeseen occurrences, you know.

But, when the geese fly into the plane, unexpectedly, well, whatcha gonna do?  

Me, I'd pray. 

But, for the flight on U.S. Airways, they had a uber-qualified pilot, an empty spot on the river, several ferries on the side, and no massive airplane breakage.

If they ask me, I'd say that the hand of God was under them, saving them. No one lost their life -- NO ONE! What are they suing for?  That U.S. Airways was negligent? That the pilot was? The geese -- yeah, that must be it, sue the fricking geese!!!!

Now if they are suing for their lost possessions, then that's just greedy -- there is no need to grumble "suit, suit, suit"  -- from what I've read, U.S. Airways is willing to work with them on their possession claims if they are over $5,000.

But, pain and suffering?  Trauma? Of course they suffered those things -- but didn't they assume the risk of suffering those things when they agreed to violate the laws of nature?  No one caused their suffering except nature. 

Don't we always assume the risk of suffering when we violate the laws of nature? 

Well, that would easily slide right into a discussion about sin and the consequences of sin on humanity and creation, but that's for another time.

I really, really hope no one sues U.S. Airways for this -- that would just be pitiful.

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