Here are 50 things I am thankful for: (in no real particular order of significance)
- My husband -- he is kind, loving, considerate, thoughtful and loyal.
- That I still have my mother and father, and that they are still married. It will be 50 years, as a matter of fact, this coming May.
- That when I talk to my brothers on the phone we usually end our conversations with "Love you"/"Love you, too." We mean it.
- I have learned the power and freedom of being able to admit I am wrong -- it is waaay easier to get forgiveness than to try to justify.
- I had a kitty for nearly 19 years -- I will miss her the rest of my life.
- My son. He is my first born. Explanation enough.
- My daughter. She is joy in my life.* I am thankful that I will miss her when she goes away to college next fall.
- My grandson, who is so sweet and growing up sooooo fast!
- Winter trees.**
- Bella, our puppy dog.
- The late afternoon sun that comes through my den window.
- My wind chimes.
- That I had the opportunity to go to Austria this winter.
- .... to go to the Bahama's in December 4 years ago.
- .... to go to Costa Rica on a mission trip, twice.
- The cow field on Hwy 27 and the baby cows that are there throughout the year.
- That I have seen the huge redwoods in the PNW.
- That I have been truly in love.
- Twilight.
- Listening to the birds sing.
- Listening to the ocean at night.
- Hearing my children laugh.
- That I have a nice home, full of color.
- That I don't go hungry.
- Debra.
- and Jeanne.
- Books and music.
- That I not only love my daughter-in-law, but I really, really like her!
- That I got to see Queen in concert.
- That I have seen a lot of the country that I live in.
- Fresh peaches and tomatoes!
- and flowers.
- Sharing a glass of wine with friends/family.
- My family is a "huggy/kissy" one.
- I love studying/learning/school -- including Ancient Greek!
- my yarn stash!
- that I remember my grandmother.
- that I remember my first "real" kiss (I was 10).
- that I believed in Santa until I was 10 (hmm....)
- late afternoon breezes in the summertime.
- the memory of my son falling asleep on the couch listening to jazz.
- afternoon naps with Nat watching foodtv
- knowing that a contented life is a good life.
- having a contented life.
- the memories of our wedding day
- that I've had the chance to give of myself
- candlelight
- the smell of gardenias
- knowing and loving the Lord.
- that the Lord knows and loves me.
I have a lot to be thankful for. Good to remember that on days when you don't feel like you have anything going for you.
* Not a grammatical error -- I meant to say it that way "She is joy in my life".
** See previous post
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